Request for Feedback on a Draft

About This Service:

Our goal is to provide writing support to those who may be unable to get to the Pullman Undergraduate Writing Center locations or who are not yet comfortable with our in-person services. While synchronous (live) conversations will always generate more ideas and offer a more personalized experience, we recognize that these conversations are not always possible and we are committed to providing writing support nonetheless.

Keep in Mind: Written Feedback Takes Time

Our tutors only work weekdays. Requests submitted between Sunday and Thursday should receive feedback within 48 hours. Friday and Saturday requests won’t be returned until the following week. This is not the service to use if your paper is due tomorrow.

If you would like to get immediate support or feedback, we recommend you come see us in one of our on-campus locations. If you are a Global student and you need a quick response, please use

If you don’t hear after three weekdays, email us.


The Undergraduate Writing Center
Smith CUE 303

Use this request for feedback service when…

  • You have some amount of a draft written.
  • You have plenty of time to revise and keep writing.
  • You want feedback, suggestions, or resources in order to keep writing or revising.
  • You aren’t able to visit our on-campus locations.

Policies, Guidelines, and Information

  • This service is for undergraduate WSU students only. Graduate students who submit their work will be rerouted to the GWC and invited to make an appointment with a graduate writing consultant.
  • WSU undergrads are invited to use this service up to three times per semester. The limit exists in response to our own resources and to encourage students to have in-person conversations about their writing.
  • Students can typically expect feedback within approximately 48 hours; requests submitted between Friday and Sunday will receive feedback by the end of Tuesday.
  • Written feedback will consist of margin comments, resources to explore, and overall suggestions for revision or development. Consultants will never make changes to the draft itself.
  • If you are required to visit the Writing Center, you need to use the in-person (walk-in or appointment) service, unless you’ve discussed this alternative with your professor.
  • This service, like all those offered by the WSU Writing Center, is intended to offer support, suggestions, and resources to writers. This service, like all others in our program, does not guarantee “good” grades or set out to “fix” papers. Writing consultants are trained to ask questions and provide feedback that the writer can use as they compose, revise, and ultimately finalize their own work.

Alternative support:
All WSU students are invited and allowed to use eTutoring for support on their writing. The eTutoring platform has two types of support: live chats with writing tutors and written feedback on drafts.