Undergraduate Writing Center employment

Writing Center consultants are

  • from all disciplines (not only English!)
  • collaborative
  • curious and eager to learn
  • attentive and engaged listeners
  • capable and confident conversationalists
  • strong, critical, attentive readers
  • open to new ideas and feedback
  • aware of inequities related to education
  • interested in addressing inequity through writing support
  • excited to talk with others about their ideas.

We eagerly invite students from STEM and social science disciplines to apply to work in the Writing Center!

To apply to work in the Writing Center, send an email to us at writing.center@wsu.edu and follow these instructions:

  • subject line = employment
  • body of the email should include
    • your major and minors/certificates
    • your expected graduation date
    • how reading, writing, and/or communication factors into your current major and your (possible) future career
    • what you know about the Writing Center and why you’d like to join this team.

Information about this job:

We employ approximately 25 undergraduate writing consultants each term. Consultants can remain on staff throughout their undergrad program, so long as they meet the job expectations. We hire 2 – 8 consultants per term, depending on staff turnover.

Writing consultants work 4 – 8 hours per week during their first semester of employment. In subsequent semesters, they work 4 – 12 hours per week, depending on their own schedules and shift availability. Shifts take place Monday through Friday, 10 am – 7 pm, more or less.

New consultants take Write 431 (1-cr) within the first year of their job. New consultants receive on-the-job mentoring from peer leaders on staff. All consultants are expected to participate in at least 6 hours of paid professional development each term, as offered by the Writing Center admin.