Submit a Request

Use the form below to submit a request for written feedback from the Undergraduate Writing Center on a draft for a writing task on which you are working. Our goal with this service is to provide writing support to those who may be unable to get to the Pullman Writing Center locations or who are not yet comfortable with our in-person services. Please refer to our policies, guidelines, and information section before submitting a request.

Request Feedback from the Undergraduate Writing Center on a Draft

Your Contact Information:

Your WSU email(Required)

About Your Writing Task:

For example, SOE 200, Hist 305, AFS 201, etc. If this is not for a class, you can write something like ‘personal statement’ or ‘cover letter.’
What is the due date?(Required)
We can only accept Word files (.doc or .docx). Our feedback will include margin comments in your Word document. If you need support with this, contact Crimson Service Desk to learn how to convert your files.
Accepted file types: doc, docx, Max. file size: 195 MB.
The attachment must be in doc, docx, or pdf format. Again, contact Crimson Service Desk if you need support with file conversion. If you're working on a personal document such as a resume or a scholarship application, you can include a PDF of the job posting or the scholarship information. You can submit multiple documents here, if necessary.
Drop files here or
Accepted file types: doc, docx, pdf, Max. file size: 195 MB, Max. files: 3.

    About How We Can Support You:

    What would you like the consultant to address? (select up to three)(Required)
    This helps the consultant to know what kind of feedback to provide.
    Where are you in the writing process?(Required)
    Please tell us in a sentence or two why you are using this asynchronous service as opposed to visiting the in-person Writing Center in Smith CUE 303 or the Terrell Library. (This provides helpful data for us.)
    This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.